08.07.2024 – Expelled again
The situation escalates again. My family in Shejaiya, in Gaza's old town and near Al Shifa hospital were asked to leave their homes/refuges immediately by leaflets and sms. Now all my sisters, mother and brother are reunited in one place, at the home of my sister...
27.06.2024 – Shejaiya under Attack !! Again! 📸
I don't know what to write any more. The escape today reminds me of the escape about 7 months ago, when my family miraculously escaped from Shejaiya. Today this miracle was repeated! The attack came as a surprise. My sister Amani and her children didn't even have time...
18.06.2024 – Jana Joha @oxford gives a short talk about her Joha family in gaza
meine nichte Jana Joha, studiert in Oxford Unversität. Sie hält eine Rede über ihre Joha Familie in Gaza. Sie erzählt hoffnungsvolle Beispiele aus der Familie. Jana joha Rede vom 18.06.2024 #gaza #palestine #oxford...
the young generation of my family is
looking for a perspective and a chance to live
If you can help in any way, please contact me.
In my family are:
Doctors, Opration Nurses, Anaesthetists, Nurses , solar technician, electrical engineer
web programmers, graphic designers, artists and painters, cooks, bakers, confectioners, construction workers, Business managers, Teachers and Trainers