Help The Joha Family In Gaza To Survive The War


Your support can change the lives of the Joha family and help them get through the difficult times in Gaza. Every contribution counts and brings hope to a desperate situation. Together we can make a difference and help those in need.




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23.01.2025 – Ceasefire in Gaza – for the moment! 📸

but we hope forever

You can’t imagine how happy we were when the bombing really stopped.
for the first time in about 15 months not to be afraid.
471 days of displacement, flight and running for life and survival.

we thank the merciful god that we survived. all the free people in this world who supported us.
we never thought it possible that we could endure so long.
We have often wished for death instead of experiencing this torture.

The joy is enormous but unfortunately not yet safe and permanent.
Above all, it was very short
because we are now looking at mountains of rubble and ash. at enormous destruction. Many photos and videos are slowly coming out showing this incredible destruction.
We look at destroyed houses and flats. because that’s the first thing we think of now. a shelter. where we can rebuild our lives from scratch.

the mammoth task awaits us. REBUILDING !

as you and the whole world have not left us alone. we count on your continued support. Please continue to support us. support the Palestinian people.

we hope one day we can invite you to our free country and thank you personally.

stay free
#freedom 4 #Palestine

30.11.2024 – a little light in the darkness of misery📸

The fight for survival continues. One could almost speak of a standstill. Nothing is improving. Nothing is changing. The people around us are becoming fewer and fewer. Starvation is being systematically used against those who are still alive.
Many or almost all of my family members, like the rest of the people in Gaza, suffer from multiple diseases.

There are currently many aid organisations that take seriously ill and seriously injured children from Gaza and treat them abroad. But the number of children who have been rescued is extremely small.

My niece Tasneem, daughter of my sister Manal, suffers from a tumour on her neck that threatens her life if it is not surgically removed.

It may sound paradoxical and unbelievable, but this tumour could be her salvation!
Because of this tumour, she is one of the seriously ill children who can be saved by the aid organisation and can be treated abroad.

As the German saying goes: luck in misfortune

Unbelievable but true !!! 🤯

A sick or injured child can save himself and part of his family.

We are waiting to hear back from the aid organisation as to when Tasneem, accompanied by her mother and her little brother Ammar and Abdelaziz, will be allowed to leave Gaza.
But her father and the 2 older brothers are not allowed to travel with her.

Nevertheless, this would be the first light in the darkness of this misery, even though it separates the family and they may never meet again.

But our hope and faith in God is greater and pray that they all and the rest of the family can soon live together in peace, freedom and health.


23.10.2024 – survive or die – Every day like the other

Please forgive me for not reporting every day. We try to survive every day. Fortunately, and thanks to all the donors in the world, aid packages are arriving from time to time and are being distributed by some aid organisations. Unfortunately, an aid package is only enough for 2-3 days and you have to provide for yourself. This is exactly the problem we are trying to solve. There is hardly any food on the market and when there is it is almost impossible to buy and when we have collected the money to buy it, we can’t find any cash. Most sellers do not accept bank payments. Besides the bombing and killing is part of everyday life. You never know when you go to the market if it will come back, and hopefully in one piece and not in a shopping bag.

Other everyday problems are finding shelter, finding WATER, treating illness, finding medicine, and many other things that we find meaningless in a normal life but are essential there.

People die around us every day
every day the occupying power invades territories and displaces people. from time to time my sisters flee from place to place. if they find a safe place at all.

This is now the  ‘life’ in Gaza. try not to die

all we can say and write
Alhamudu Lellah (Thank you God) and have mercy on us, forgive our sins, let us die in peace without pain or agony. Please ensure that our bodies remain whole so that the bereaved can bury us. Oh God reward us with paradise for all the suffering and agony we have experienced and will experience. AMEN 🤲🤲🙏🙏
THANK YOU to all the people who support us mentally or financially and try to give us a little bit of hope and survive the war

Please keep supporting us! THANK YOU so MUCH💐

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18.09.2024 – buy one & give Hope! how do families survive in gaza?

my Sister Mona and her Family crochet bookmarks and sells them.
see the Video below!

please keep supporting the Joha Family in Gaza to survive and to help themselves
Please share our fundraiser as you can 🫶🫶

#gaza #palestine #survive #womenspower #girlspower #crochet #crochetpattern #fypシ゚ #fyp #fürdich #fürdichseite #forypupage #häkeln #Lesemarken #lesezeichen #GFM #gofundme #help #hilfe #kinder #childern #überleben #johagaza #mona #trend #trending #viral #wolle #pattern #gazastrip #freepalestine #freegaza #unrwa #savethechildren #wool

22.08.2024 – no matter where, attacks everywhere 📸

please forgive me, i don’t post on the website that often anymore because i mostly post on instagram and co. There are no more words to describe what my family has had to go through for more than 320 days. I can’t list how many times they have been displaced, how many times they have had to flee. how many times they have had to leave their belongings behind and buy everything from scratch.
It is only through your donations and support that we can help my family to survive.

After long treatment, my niece Amira is doing well again. thank god

my sister Mona and her grandchildren are also healthy again.

My sister Manal and her family were attacked twice and survived each time by the miracle of God. Manal herself was stung by an insect in hospital and suffered an allergic shock to the medicine during treatment.

My mum suffered from circular paralysis and allergic shock from insect bites

My sister Amani and her family have finally found a new shelter after their house was completely destroyed.

My niece Jasmin is doing reasonably well again. after an epileptic seizure accompanied by depression, she hardly ate or drank anything for weeks and kept crying.

27.07.2024 – no security anywhere – Manal under Attack in Rafah 📸

Today the area where my sister Manal was sheltering in Rafah was attacked. they were ordered to leave the place in a short time. they didn’t have time to take anything with them. the attack started! the bombs flew around them as they ran away. they left everything in the house and ran away towards Khan Younis. my sister Manal, Tasneem, Amar and abdulaziz fled together with the neighbors and their children. Her husband and older sons Mohammed and Hazem stayed behind to maybe save something from the house before it was bombed away.

Unfortunately, the men couldn’t get anything out because the situation was very dangerous to find a cab or van willing to drive into the combat zone.

At the end of the day, the family was able to find each other again, thank God.🤲

They moved on towards Deir al Balah. there are still relatives there and they can find shelter with them. for now!

Another miracle from God that they came out of it unharmed.
THANK YOU very much God 🤲🤲
