Help The Joha Family In Gaza To Survive The War


Your support can change the lives of the Joha family and help them get through the difficult times in Gaza. Every contribution counts and brings hope to a desperate situation. Together we can make a difference and help those in need.




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For 3 days we had no contact with my family in Gaza City in Shuja’iyya. No telephone, no internet. NOTHING !!!
Every hour and all day long and every day I dial all the numbers of my family in the hope that I can reach at least one person. Also in the news you only hear about heavy fighting in the area ! nothing else.

Today 10.12.2023 we were able to reach my sister Arwa for 22 seconds, who was able to confirm that everyone is still alive. with minor injuries but still alive. THANK GOD 🤲
Unfortunately, all attempts to re-establish a connection failed. I posted a call for help on social media in the hope that someone there would see this and possibly be able to help my family.

I was also able to find some pictures from the social media that show the situation there.

My 3 sisters Manal Hanan and Maha are still “living” in the south of the Gaza Strip.
There is always the possibility to talk to them on the phone. Unfortunately, internet connections are extremely weak.
My sister Hanan has a shelter near the coast in the south, not far from the Egyptian border. THANK GOD !🤲

There is also some bombing there, but not as heavy yet! 🫥
Day by day, it’s getting harder and harder to find food and drinking water for you and the children. My cousin slept in a queue for 3 nights to get a bag of flour. Food is becoming increasingly scarce in the markets and shops that are still open.

NOTHING is spared! everything is destroyed.
including the Great Mosque of Gaza (Al Omari Mosque) (Wikipedia-Link), which is over 4000 years old. Al Omari Mosque – Google Maps

We don’t know what to do! We pray day after day that it will end soon and quickly, whatever the outcome. 😔