Help the Joha Family in Gaza to survive the War

Your support can change the lives of the Joha family and help them get through the difficult times in Gaza. Every contribution counts and brings hope to a desperate situation. Together we can make a difference and help those in need.

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please forgive me, i don’t post on the website that often anymore because i mostly post on instagram and co. There are no more words to describe what my family has had to go through for more than 320 days. I can’t list how many times they have been displaced, how many times they have had to flee. how many times they have had to leave their belongings behind and buy everything from scratch.
It is only through your donations and support that we can help my family to survive.

After long treatment, my niece Amira is doing well again. thank god

my sister Mona and her grandchildren are also healthy again.

My sister Manal and her family were attacked twice and survived each time by the miracle of God. Manal herself was stung by an insect in hospital and suffered an allergic shock to the medicine during treatment.

My mum suffered from circular paralysis and allergic shock from insect bites

My sister Amani and her family have finally found a new shelter after their house was completely destroyed.

My niece Jasmin is doing reasonably well again. after an epileptic seizure accompanied by depression, she hardly ate or drank anything for weeks and kept crying.