Help The Joha Family In Gaza To Survive The War


Your support can change the lives of the Joha family and help them get through the difficult times in Gaza. Every contribution counts and brings hope to a desperate situation. Together we can make a difference and help those in need.




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In the last few days, we have been focussing on the search for perspectives and opportunities for the new generation in the family.

We are looking for scholarships, jobs, voluntary jobs, training courses, language courses abroad.
We had the documents translated into English.

at this point many thanks to Nada. T – found on the website – Link to her Profile.

Nada has translated the documents in record time and professionally. for this reason i can absolutely recommend her. 💯

My incredibly dedicated niece Jana, a student in the UK, encourages each member of the family to send their concerns to the world in video. We then published these videos on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube for the world to see.

Please let the whole world hear and see how the people of Gaza and Palestine are suffering. Let their voice reach the world.
Share these pictures and videos. help us save the people there. help us give them a perspective, help us to put a smile on their faces.


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