Help The Joha Family In Gaza To Survive The War


Your support can change the lives of the Joha family and help them get through the difficult times in Gaza. Every contribution counts and brings hope to a desperate situation. Together we can make a difference and help those in need.




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this morning my sister Mona from Gaza city surprised me with a whatsapp call. my joy was huge when i heard her voice. You, my mum, my sister Lamia, sister Arwa, sister Amani and my brother Ismail are all well and injured.
because of the fighting in their place of refuge, they had to move on again and look for another place of protection. My mother, brother Ismail and sister Arwa were able to find a flat near the destroyed Gaza harbour.
My sister Aman also had to move on with her family. they are now sheltering in a building near the Shifa hospital.
the house where my niece Abeer, the daughter of my sister Mona was bombed. she and her family, husband and son were pulled out of the rubble alive.

then my sister Mona decided to move in with her daughter. now they are in a room in a former hotel also near shifa hospital. they are 7 people together.
My sister Lamia first stayed in the last place with my uncle. until my uncle had to leave with his family. she then stayed alone for a while with her daughter Amira. Without anything !!! no food no blankets, NOTHING! she was lying on the bare floor !!!
Ibrahim, my sister Amani’s son, went to check every few days whether the others were still alive or not. he saw Lamia’s situation and told Mona. Mona then brought Lamia to her.

My sister Manal in Nuseirat Refugee Camp tried to move on yesterday and today towards the south, to Rafah. The attacks and the bombing make it impossible to flee. besides that, many people tried to flee to the south before, but came back because there is no more space. no more free tents, no more shelter.
There are only tents for sale!!!!!😶!!!!! from 300-400 US dollars you can get a 2-4 wooden beam with plastic tarpaulin !!!😔