Help the Joha Family in Gaza to survive the War

Your support can change the lives of the Joha family and help them get through the difficult times in Gaza. Every contribution counts and brings hope to a desperate situation. Together we can make a difference and help those in need.



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05.02.2024 – Hanan’s Home & My Aunt Home πŸ“Έ

My sister Amani and her son Ibrahim were able to reach the neighbourhood where my sister Hanan and my aunt lived. There they searched for leftover food, cooking gas cylinders, water and clothes in the houses.
Luckily they found some food. To illustrate the destruction, she sent us the following photos of my sister Hanan’s home, my aunt and her car repair shop

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04.02.2024 – run for survival

the last few days have been very critical for my mother, brother and sisters who are in northern gaza. they are all near al Shifa hospital. the occupying army has once again carried out intensive attacks and warned people to leave the area.
As a result, all the people ran away in all directions under the rain of bombs. My family first ran away in the direction of East Gaza to find shelter somewhere.

After about 3 days, the situation calmed down a bit and the bombing decreased.

Fortunately, the shelters they were in were not destroyed.

My mum Fahima, brother Ismail, sister Arwa and Lamia are now together again in a sheltered place.

My sister Mona couldn’t flee because her son Abdelrahman is disabled. Thank God. They have remained unharmed. 🀲

My sister Amani decided to go back to her destroyed house in Al Shujaiyya. One room there has not yet been destroyed.
She and her family are tired of running away and finding shelter with strangers.

28.01.2024 – My family is starving – please help and donate for us πŸ“Έ

We have been able to send some money to my family in Gaza in the last few days. Both in the north and in the south of Gaza.
Hardly any relief supplies arrive in the north. There are no other products to buy either. no flour, no water, no vegetables, nothing. in northern Gaza, animal feed is grinded and sold as flour. My family bakes bread from animal feed flour !!!!😭
a 20 kg bag of wheat flour costs around 200-300 US dollars !!!🀯

Instead of letting more food into gaza, they send them corona suits !!!😳

Aziz - Corona suit

We can’t feed the whole family!!! That’s 9 families, 36 people spread all over the Gaza Strip !!!

What’s more, the bombing of the entire Gaza Strip is still going on.

My Sister Maha

my sister Maha is now 8 months pregnant. they can hardly find anything for the baby. there is just nothing to find.

They don’t even know how and where the birth will take place. there is no hospital and when there are, they are all full of injured and displaced people.😭

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23.01.2024 – my beloved mother πŸ’— πŸ“Έ

my beloved mother Yesterday was a day of celebration. We were able to talk to almost all my family members on the phone. My nephew Ibrahim, my sister Amani’s son, also sent photos and videos of my beloved mother. SHE IS STILL ALIVE and unharmed.
We were also able to talk to my mother for a few minutes on the phone.
The joy was great but unfortunately very short. πŸ₯Ί

because as of today all communications are cut again. because the tanks and air strikes have been coming closer and closer to them since yesterday afternoon, where they have found shelter. they no longer know where to go.

My pregnant sister Maha in Deir ELBalah will probably be separated from the rest. According to the media, the middle zone of Gaza is also being separated from southern Gaza.

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22.01.2024 – we still need your support

Very long and difficult days have passed.
A lot has happened since the last post.
Firstly, I was unfortunately unable to continue posting due to illness.

on 13.1.2024 we were able to talk to my brother Ismail, sister Arwa and her son Osama on the phone. and then we agreed that we should talk on the phone at the same time almost every day if possible. so that we can coordinate how we can send the money and so that they can also confirm that they have received it.

On January 14, 2024, I was able to talk to my nephew Ibrahim, my sister Amani’s son, on the phone. They urgently needed help and money to be able to buy food and drinking water. because hardly any aid arrives in northern Gaza and when it does, it is not enough for all the residents there. There is no more food there, and if there is, then only the leftovers from the bombed stores and supermarkets, which are sold for WAY TOO EXPENSIVE. There is currently no source of money for them and they have to buy food for themselves and their children.

That’s why they depend on us and your help and donations.

Unfortunately, war dealers are also multiplying. who exploit the weak and helpless people.
That’s why we are EXTREMELY careful when sending money to my family.

The normal, safe and humane ways to send money are also extremely difficult:
MoneyGram: there is only one branch in Khan-Younis
WesternUnion: refuses transshipment from Germany
German banks; currently refuse In general the transfers to Gaza (see my previous post)

The new magic word was USDt!! a crypto currency! I had to learn, test and try a lot over the last few days until I am now able to handle USDt.

My nephew met a young man who works with an exchange office in the south. They work with USDt currency. Through him we can send money to his USDt wallet and he gives cash to my sisters there.

After several tests with small amounts and confirmation that my nephew had received the money, I was able to send a larger sum to my sisters Amani, Mona and Lamia. Finally ! !

The exchange offices and the money dealers charge very high fees!!! we had to pay 12% fee + currency exchange rate change from US dollar to NIS (new Sheklel)!!!

e.g.: 1 USDt = 1 US dollar
500 USDt = 500 US dollars – 60 dollars 12% fees = 440 US dollars
440 dollars = should be about 1660 shekels
he only gave us 1425 shekels = $377.88
That’s another $60 loss

In the end, out of 500 US dollars, only 380 US dollars remain!!
this is fraud and exploitation!!!

What should we do? There is no other way?
pay or let your family starve! these are the options!!

This war must be stopped immediately

since January 14th Then there was DEAD SILENCE. all communications to Gaza were cut off again.

We could hardly reach anyone for 11 DAYS.

I was only able to reach my sister Hanan in the south because she is near the Egyptian border and has some network coverage from there. Nothing worked at all in northern Gaza

Communications were released again until yesterday, January 21, 2024. We were then able to reach all of my sisters and even my mother. THEY’RE ALL ALIVE! THANK GOD!

At the moment we are concentrating on my family finding a safe place to shelter, food and clean drinking water. Unfortunately, this is extremely expensive at the moment and we need your donations and support.

Please keep donating for my family
Please support stopping the war