Help the Joha Family in Gaza to survive the War

Your support can change the lives of the Joha family and help them get through the difficult times in Gaza. Every contribution counts and brings hope to a desperate situation. Together we can make a difference and help those in need.

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26.12.2023 – more displacement

My sister Manal in Nuseirat refugee camp told me that more people are displaced to the west. They might then be the next to leave their shelter.
My sister Hanan in Rafah-West near the coast was able to send me photos and videos of the people who arrived there today.

My sisters ask me:
How much longer? Is there an end?
What do they want to do with us? Where will they take us?
They should kill us, then we won’t have to live this misery.

we still couldn’t reach my mother, brother and sisters in Gaza City. we hope they are still alive . 😔

25.12.2023 – hope? not yet.

I finally finished my family tree page.
Here you can now also get to know my family. may I introduce: My Family

Today the internet and telephone connections came back. Thank God!🤲
I was able to communicate with my sisters in southern Gaza. They also had some internet and could also send photos. (there are posted).
Thank God they’re still alive

Unfortunately we still couldn’t reach my mother, brother and sisters in Gaza City. we hope they are still alive too. we keep praying 🤲

23.12.2023 – They are still alive

11 days have passed. I try to contact my family every day. Sometimes it works with direct phone calls, sometimes with Whatsapp messages and vioce calls. 🤲

My mother, brother Ismail, my sister Arwa, Mona, Lamia and their children are now sitting in an office room in a building near Shifa Hospital. My sister Amani has moved with her family to other relatives of her husband. first they were near Shuja’iyya and since 2 days they have also moved near Shifa hospital. 😔

today 23.12.2023. i was able to talk to my sister Hanan in Rafah-West on the phone. she told me how they are keeping themselves alive and what the situation is like there.

The aid and donations are arriving very slowly! but they have everything they need to stay alive. they were able to get flour and water. Some tinned food is also available as donations and some is expensive to buy. compared to others, they are a little better off in the container. In Rafah City the exchange offices are open again. so word is getting around. today I sent another sum of money in the hope that it will arraive.

I have also reached my sister Manal. she is in Nuseirat refugee camp. she and her family are also doing relatively “well”. There they also find what keeps them alive. Water, flour and tinned food.

We also reached my brother Ismail by phone today. but only because he was travelling. because there is absolutely no connection in the block where they are seeking shelter.

Unfortunately, the destruction is enormous and can only be compared with the destruction during the world war.

the media and the internet are full of pictures and videos of the destruction. here i only show a fraction of it and especially in the district where my mother and sister lived.

I would still like to thank all the human PEOPLE who have supported me with words, feelings or donations.
Please keep praying for us.

12.12.2023 – do not breathe!

11.12.2023 , i was able to reach my sister Arwa in Shuja’iyya by phone again. This time she was out of breath and scared.
She and my mother, brother, sisters and their children were on their way out of our destroyed house. 😔
They had the opportunity to leave the combat zone in a hurry. The call was again only a few seconds long. During the course of the day, I learnt from my sisters in the south that they were now “safe” and staying in a nearby hospital until they knew where to go next.🤲
They were moments of fear, where you can’t breathe for fear or you’ll be shot.🫥

From now on my ENTIRE family is homeless and evicted.😶

Today I tried to reach my mum but unfortunately without success! 😔

My sister Hanan in Rafah on the coast was able to send me photos of her new temporary shelter.⛺

10.12.2023 – Indescribable

For 3 days we had no contact with my family in Gaza City in Shuja’iyya. No telephone, no internet. NOTHING !!!
Every hour and all day long and every day I dial all the numbers of my family in the hope that I can reach at least one person. Also in the news you only hear about heavy fighting in the area ! nothing else.

Today 10.12.2023 we were able to reach my sister Arwa for 22 seconds, who was able to confirm that everyone is still alive. with minor injuries but still alive. THANK GOD 🤲
Unfortunately, all attempts to re-establish a connection failed. I posted a call for help on social media in the hope that someone there would see this and possibly be able to help my family.

I was also able to find some pictures from the social media that show the situation there.

My 3 sisters Manal Hanan and Maha are still “living” in the south of the Gaza Strip.
There is always the possibility to talk to them on the phone. Unfortunately, internet connections are extremely weak.
My sister Hanan has a shelter near the coast in the south, not far from the Egyptian border. THANK GOD !🤲

There is also some bombing there, but not as heavy yet! 🫥
Day by day, it’s getting harder and harder to find food and drinking water for you and the children. My cousin slept in a queue for 3 nights to get a bag of flour. Food is becoming increasingly scarce in the markets and shops that are still open.

NOTHING is spared! everything is destroyed.
including the Great Mosque of Gaza (Al Omari Mosque) (Wikipedia-Link), which is over 4000 years old. Al Omari Mosque – Google Maps

We don’t know what to do! We pray day after day that it will end soon and quickly, whatever the outcome. 😔

02.12.2023 – The situation is … no word to describe it

the neighbourhood where my mother and my siblings still “live” is now becoming a target (see the video from 2.12.2023)

My sister Hanan has fled to Khanyounis. She has found a “shelter” in Hamad Towers. as you can see in the previous pictures. Today 2.12.2023 5 towers near her were bombed ! She and her family have fled further south in a tent they bought (for $270).

Just pray for them