Help the Joha Family in Gaza to survive the War

Your support can change the lives of the Joha family and help them get through the difficult times in Gaza. Every contribution counts and brings hope to a desperate situation. Together we can make a difference and help those in need.

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27.11.2023 – Cease fire for 7 days

during this time I was able to transfer $500 to my 3 sister and nephew Ahmad in the south. after 2 failed attempts via WesternUnion 👎 it then went via MoneyGram 👍. THANK GOD.
They split the money between them. Now we know which way it works. At the moment, they can’t do much with money because there’s hardly anything you can buy with money.

Unfortunately we have not found a way to send money to my mother, 4 sister and brother in Gaza City in Shuja’iyya.
The road from the south towards the centre or the north is totally blocked and guarded by tanks and soldiers. EVERY PERSON who tries to pass is shot immediately.
It is only a one-way to the south.

We are still looking for a possibility

21.11.2023 – The situation is catastrophic

After long and difficult days, communication with my family is almost impossible.
Depending on who has radio and some kind of network, they write in the family group and give a sign of life. even there in gaza they can’t communicate with each other. There is hardly any network.

In the meantime, my sister Mona and her children have been evacuated from Shifa Hospital. they are being “sheltered” again by my mother in Shuja’iyya.

My sisters, Manal, Hanan and Maha and their children are in the south, in Nuseirat refugee camp and in Khan Younis. They are trying to survive there.
The new photos I uploaded today show how they are faring.
There is still bombing everywhere. in the north, south, east, west and center.
They can fill their water canisters every 4 days.

Food is very scarce. Flour to make bread is also extremely scarce.
If they don’t die quickly from a bomb, they will die slowly from hunger.
Sending money via Western Union or Moneygram is also extremely difficult or extremely life-threatening because of the bombing. so far we have tried to send a small amount of money, unfortunately without success.
We keep praying and hoping.

09.11.2023 – it is getting closer

In the night from 7. to 8.11.2023 the street where my mother and my sister were sheltering was bombed. Thank God, no one was injured. The doors and windows in the house were completely destroyed by the pressure wave. 2 of my sisters decided to move further south and find shelter there. My sister Hanan moved to Khan Younis and my sister Maha moved to Nuseirat refugee camp. After a long turtor they arrived safely yesterday. My mother, brother, 2 other sisters, Arwa and Lamia, stayed in the house because their health doesn’t allow them to walk much and far. AND because there is no real shelter anywhere. It’s a 50:50 chance. Places of refuge and hospitals are EXTERMELY overcrowded and the conditions are absolutely inhumane. That’s why many think to stay at home, because they can at least die there with dignity. Unfortunately, we don’t know what the situation is with their homes because many places are now completely destroyed and it is currently life-threatening to visit them. The duration of a fundraising campaign is limited to a maximum of 30 days. This is set by Paypal. After this campaign has expired, I will start a new one to be able to continue helping my family From the bottom of my heart, I thank you for your support and prayers. Your words and compassion also give us hope to live on. God bless and protect you

28.10.2023 – 1000 Thanks to all who donated. God Bless You all

Since yesterday evening 27.10.2023 at about 11 p.m. all connections to my family and the whole region have been cut off. Until today 28.10.2023 at 1:30 p.m. I can not reach my family. We pray that the connections will be re-established soon or that they will be reactivated by the occupier.

19.10.2023 – Thank You

1000 Thanks to all who donated Another homeless person in my family. Unfortunately, my sister’s flat where she lived with her family was bombed today. Thank God no one was hurt.

Hello My name is Hazem Joha,

Dear Everyone
My family in Gaza urgently needs help! My name is Hazem Joha, I am 44 years old, Palestinian and live in Germany.
My family’s life in the Gaza Strip was completely destroyed by the bombs of the occupying forces and since then my whole family has been homeless. They are still being displaced from one place to the next. With nothing in their hands, no clothes, no food and no water, simply thrown out of life with nothing at all.
The purpose of this fundraiser is:
primarily to help my family stay alive. I will gradually send the money to my family so that they can buy food and clean water and find dry shelter.
At the same time I am trying to get my family out of the war in Gaza and give them a safe place in Egypt in Al Arish. 
The size of my family makes it impossible for me to do all this alone, so I need your help and support.
Every little donation helps my family to stay alive and gives them a chance to escape the war. You are helping my family even if you just forward and publicise this fundraising campaign.
At the moment my family is divided into 7 groups all over the Gaza Strip.
In the north of Gaza are:
1st family group:
At the moment my big brother Ismail 54 years, my mother Fahima 77 years and my sister Arwa 51 years with her mentally handicapped daughter Yasmin 35 years and her son Osama 29 years are together in a shelter near Al Shifa Hospital.

2nd family group:
My sister Mona 50 years with her children: son Abdelrahman 25 years and disabled, daughter Duaa 21 years and son Ahamd 13 years and my sister Lamia 46 years with her only daughter Amira 9 years have found a shelter together in a former hotel also near Al Shifa Hospital. Both sisters were already living separately from their husbands.

3rd family group:
My sister Amani 41 years with husband Eyad 46 years and their children, daughter Nour 21 years, son Ibrahim 20 years, daughter Jana 18 years, son Mohammed 15 years and daughter Lama 7 years, have also found a shelter place with other family members of the husband not far from Al Shifa Hospital.

In the south of Gaza are:
4th family group:
My sister Maha 29 years, 8 months PREGNANT and her husband Mohammed 31 years as well as her son Shadi 2 years have found a shelter place near the coast in Deir al Balah.

5th family group:
My sister Hanan 32 years with husband Mohammed 37 years and their 3 daughters Shams 12 years, Fairuz 3 years and Jouri 1 year have found a shelter in Rafah-West (Al Mawasi) on the coast with other family members of the husband.

6th family group:
My sister Manal 40 years with husband Yaser 47 years and their children, son Mohammed 19 years, son Hazem 18 years, daughter Tasneem 17 years, son Amar 13 years and son Abdelaziz 9 years, finally found a shelter place in Rafah-North (Miraj) for rent payment.

7th family group:
My nephew Ahmad 33 years with wife Aida 24 years and their children, daughter Samar 2 years and son Omar about 1 year have found a shelter in Rafah-West (Al Mawasi) on the coast in a plastic tent.

36 family members have been displaced, starved and dehydrated!
Please help the Joha family to survive.
I have created a website especially for my Joha family.
Please visit our website, donate and shre it
Thank you very much for your donation and support
Hazem Joha